
Diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes has tripled since the 1980’s and the prediction is that this number will go up. Currently, one out of four Americans is diagnosed with either Pre-Diabetes or Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes’ possible complications include kidney failure, amputation, stroke, and dementia. Diabetes also has been linked to Heart Disease and Cancer. Good news! The earlier you are able to treat Diabetes with proper nutrition and lifestyle changes the better results you will have. In many cases, Diabetes can be reversible! This is where having an expert “coach” on your team could be critical to achieving your end game.

Diet can be your most powerful weapon when utilizing evidence based nutrition and lifestyle information to achieve your goals.


Review problem and history. Identify issues such as Pre-Diabetes, Type I and Type II, Lowering Hgb a1c, Hypoglycemia, Gastroparesis, Neuropathy, Ketoacidosis, skin, foot and eye complications. Develop customized approach.


Using the customized plan as a guide, regular evaluations, review and strategy adjustments keep you on track to achieve the desired result.


Customized tools include a personalized strategy plan for long-term disease management.


Improvement in labs: HbgA1C, Glucose, Cholesterol and Triglycerides | Improve body composition | Healthy weight loss – maintain muscle, lose fat | More energy to engage in activities | Improve your sleep

If you have been diagnosed with Diabetes or were advised to lower your blood sugar, take action now.

Let’s get started, Call Now!