Transform Your Next Vacation From Sabotaging your Weight Goals to Strengthening Them?

Finally, your vacation has arrived! You have looked forward to this vacation for months. You realize you need a healthy break away from everyday concerns to recharge, unplug and gain a fresh perspective. You have made some good progress in achieving or maintaining your weight goals but now you are fearful that all of your […]

Protein for a Tough Immune System!

Want a tough immune? Start paying attention to this essential nutrient and which specific sources and quantities reign supreme. Proteins have long been referred to as the building blocks of life. Protein plays a critical role in our immune system by building antibodies as well as muscle. Bodycomposition and percentage muscle mass are emerging as […]

London Wellness Introduces Peak Performance Plan

Mind, body and soul meet in Sarasota with the latest wellness endeavor from London Wellness, the Peak Performance Plan. A multifaceted “concierge-style” wellness plan uniting everything from hypnotism to proper diet, the latest from London Wellness Founder Bonni London takes a holistic approach to health. Focusing on preventative techniques, London wants to keep those Golden […]

Are You an Informed Consumer When Dining Out?

Eating out is one of the most common luxuries shared by Americans, especially on the weekends. Whether you’re a foodie checking out unique local cuisine or a busy family trying to save money at a nearby buffet, it’s very important to stop and consider what exactly you are putting into your body as you eat. […]

Chronic Inflammation: How to Stop “The Silent Killer” Before It Begins

The heart attack has long been known as the widow-maker thanks to its tendency to cause male deaths without any warning. However, the true widow and widower-maker is actually chronic inflammation, a condition that isn’t fully understood by most Americans. Chronic inflammation is a powerful and destructive force in the body that is linked to […]

What You are Lacking in Your Diet Could be the Missing Piece to Achieving Your Weight Loss Goals?

You’ve decided you want to lose some unwanted weight and your plan is to cut out sugar, flour, and anything fried. You make some initial progress, but ultimately hit a wall when weight loss stalls and cravings continue to plague you. Have you considered that maybe it is not what you are eliminating that’s the […]

Transform Your Next Vacation From Sabotaging your Weight Goals to Strengthening Them?

Finally, your vacation has arrived! You have looked forward to this vacation for months. You realize you need a healthy break away from everyday concerns to recharge, unplug and gain a fresh perspective. You have made some good progress in achieving or maintaining your weight goals but now you are fearful that all of your […]

Is Alcohol an innocent indulgence or could it be blocking your weight loss goals?

Moderate amounts of alcohol have been linked with health benefits including, heart health, mental health and even longevity. Alcohol can increase HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol), and improve your sensitivity to insulin. Alcohol also can help with occasional stress, socializing and even make you appear more attractive! What could possibly go wrong? If weight loss, […]

What you don’t see could be the ROOT cause of YOUR unwanted weight gain!

Stress, often referred to as the silent killer, can be the source of your extra padding, particularly around the middle. Stress is a normal physiological response to a perceived threat. Acute stress, such as experienced when you avert a close collision on the road is easily resolved and does not usually result in long-term consequences. […]

Is Chicken to Blame for Your Weight Gain?

Tell me it isn’t true! After decades of serving as royalty symbolizing the epitome of the “perfect” protein source, the crown is being taken away. Move over chicken, or should I say “MOOVE” over chicken and make room for beef! Shocking as all this is, let me break down for you the mounting research connecting […]