Reconsidering Sugar Alternatives: A Healthier Approach to Cutting Calories
Reconsidering Sugar Alternatives: A Healthier Approach to Cutting Calories

In our quest to eat healthier and cut calories, many of us turn to sugar alternatives as a first or primary step. While these alternatives may seem like a convenient solution, it’s important to understand the potential drawbacks and reconsider our relationship with them. In this blog post, we will explore why you may want […]

Battling Sugar Addiction: Understanding its Grip and Taking Action
Battling Sugar Addiction: Understanding its Grip and Taking Action

In 1984, Ben & Jerry introduced cookie dough ice cream, marking the beginning of a sweet revolution. The delectable combination of cookie dough and ice cream instantly won over many hearts, including mine. So much so, that I found myself forgoing the ice cream altogether and indulging in straight cookie dough, savoring the best part. […]

Precommitment: The Secret to a Healthier You

Are you struggling to maintain a healthy diet, exercise routine, and sleep schedule? What if I told you there’s a simple concept that can help you stick to your goals? Welcome to our blog, where today, we’ll be discussing the concept of precommitment and how it can revolutionize your life.   Part 1: What is […]

Unlocking Weight Loss Potential: The Role of Mitochondria

In our science classes, we often hear about mitochondria as the powerhouses of our cells, responsible for generating energy in the form of ATP. However, did you know that mitochondria also play a crucial role in weight loss? In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of mitochondria, exploring their functions and how […]

Interested in Getting Leaner? Eat Your Vegetables! Bonni London Nutritionist Sarrasota
Interested in Getting Leaner? Eat Your Vegetables!

Popeye may have been on to something when he grabbed and then gulped that can of spinach resulting in a bulging bicep! In fact, dark leafy greens such as spinach could be considered nature’s Viagra as they contain nitrates that convert to nitric oxide resulting in increased blood flow as well as exercise performance. Other […]

You Can Outsmart a Weight Loss Stall! Bonni London Nutritionist Sarasota
You Can Outsmart a Weight Loss Stall!

It can be frustrating, you’ve been working hard to make better diet choices, increased your level of exercise and have successfully lost weight but then it all comes to a screeching halt or worse you may even gain back a few pounds! What is going on? Unfortunately, our bodies have not evolved to support weight […]

Mindful Eating: a powerful approach that may just may hold the key to achieving your health and weight goals! Bonni London, MS, RDN, LDn
Mindful Eating: a powerful approach that may just may hold the key to achieving your health and weight goals!

I confess, as much as I espouse healthy eating habits, I am guilty at times of eating too quickly, eating at my desk or worse, eating snacks out of a large bag! I even influence my family at the Dinner table to eat faster for fear that I may snatch some of their food. This […]

What You are Lacking in Your Diet Could be the Missing Piece to Achieving Your Weight Loss Goals?

You’ve decided you want to lose some unwanted weight and your plan is to cut out sugar, flour, and anything fried. You make some initial progress, but ultimately hit a wall when weight loss stalls and cravings continue to plague you. Have you considered that maybe it is not what you are eliminating that’s the […]

How Your Mood Affects Your Eating Habits! - Bonni London Nutritionist Sarasota
How Your Mood Affects Your Eating Habits!

Have you ever experienced a mid-afternoon slump that was resolved by consuming a bag of chips, crackers or cookies? Have you ever felt that you were not apart in making the decision to engage in this behavior?  The urge to eat particular foods can be strongly influenced by your mood which may include fatigue, anxiety […]

Is Alcohol an innocent indulgence or could it be blocking your weight loss goals? Bonni London Nutritionist Sarasota
Is Alcohol an innocent indulgence or could it be blocking your weight loss goals?

Moderate amounts of alcohol have been linked with health benefits including, heart health, mental health and even longevity. Alcohol can increase HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol), and improve your sensitivity to insulin. Alcohol also can help with occasional stress, socializing and even make you appear more attractive! What could possibly go wrong? If weight loss, […]