Tell me it isn’t true! After decades of serving as royalty symbolizing the epitome of the “perfect” protein source, the crown is being taken away. Move over chicken, or should I say “MOOVE” over chicken and make room for beef!
Shocking as all this is, let me break down for you the mounting research connecting the introduction of seed oils (ie: soy, corn, etc) into the human food supply with the astronomical rise of obesity as well as all of the modern-day lifestyle diseases such as: heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
Industrial seed oils, which are highly processed oils such as soybean, corn or canola were only introduced in the early 1900’s. It all began by Proctor and Gamble whose main product at the time, cottonseed oil became displaced by the discovery of oil. They discovered that by hydrogenating the Cottonseed oil, which up to that point was considered a toxic waste product, transforming into a lard looking like product, that could be sold for cooking. The birth of Crisco and the beginning of a major shift in a source of fat in our diets.
It wasn’t long before the meat industry, realized that feeding their animals grains, instead of grass that they were able gain weight faster, creating higher yield and larger profits. In addition, these grains are subsidized by the government making them cheap and even more appealing. If you have ever noticed the increased marbling of a ribeye steak or the increased size of the chicken breasts, then you may want to know that these animals are not only fat, but they also sick. In our modern era, it is much more important to start paying more attention to what we are eating is eating!
Poultry has the highest concentration of linoleic acid. This is the predominant polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), prevalent in sunflower, safflower, soybean, corn, and canola oils. How do these fats contribute to obesity? These fats are essential and must be obtained from your diet and your body will use whatever fats you consume to form critical roles such as regulating inflammation, immunity, blood vessels, platelets, synaptic plasticity, cellular growth, pain as well as becoming part of cell membranes. When these particular fats become part of your fat cells, they make them more sensitive to insulin making them able to store more fat. This means more calories are stored as fat and in addition, with all of those calories being put in storage, you are left hungrier and in search of more calories! So, you are able to gain weight, particularly fat faster and lose weight slower. Still think those abnormally large chicken breasts are a good deal?
What action steps can you take today to support your weight goals?
- Limit poultry (even organic is fed corn), conventional raised beef and pork, farmed raised fish/ seafood, processed meat alternatives containing soy, corn or canola.
- Be aware of bottled salad dressings that frequently are made with canola or soybean oil.
- Avoid processed foods made with soy, corn, canola, safflower, sunflower, etc.
- Eat more wild fish, 100% grass finished meat and pasture raised chickens and eggs.
- Eat more Chia seeds, hemp nuts, walnuts and flax seeds.
Final takeaway: eat animals that are lean and healthy like you want to be.
If you want to know how a personalized plan could be the missing link in achieving your goals, please call now 941-685-8074 to schedule a free 15 minute discovery call.

An Invisible War may be Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Goal!
What you don’t see could be the ROOT cause of YOUR unwanted weight gain!