
In today’s world, we often find ourselves chasing after goals, yet something significant tends to get lost along the way: authenticity. In Healthy Rebel Speaks Out episode #18, Bonni London speaks with Beth Beurkens, an internationally recognized shaman and author, about the powerful lessons she’s learned through decades of teaching and guiding people to connect with their deeper purpose. The conversation explores what it truly means to live authentically and the number one regret dying people have—failing to live a life true to themselves.

Discovering Authenticity through Vision Quests

Beth Beurkens’ journey into shamanism and guiding Vision Quests began with a deep connection to nature. Her story reminds us of a universal truth: we often lose our authentic selves in the chaos of life. As kids, we are free to explore our own identities. But as adults, we get caught up in societal expectations. Beth shares how she helps others, through Vision Quests, reconnect with nature to uncover their true purpose.

If you feel stuck in your life—unsure of your next move or feeling like something is missing—you might be asking yourself the same question many of Beth’s clients ask, “What do I really want?” The Vision Quest provides a space to explore this question deeply, and discover the answers hidden inside you.

What’s Holding You Back? The Invisible Barriers

A powerful concept explored in the podcast is the idea of invisible barriers. We often carry limiting beliefs that stop us from pursuing our dreams. Whether it’s the fear of being too old, impostor syndrome, or the belief that we’re not good enough, these mental obstacles are tough to overcome without help.

Beth explains that these barriers aren’t insurmountable. With guidance and the right tools, like those offered in Vision Quests, people can break through them. She shares a moving story of one client who, after years of burnout in corporate America, rediscovered her passion and healed herself by pursuing her true calling.

Living Authentically – What’s Stopping You?

Beth’s teachings remind us that too many people reach the end of their lives regretting that they didn’t live authentically. A common theme in hospice care is people expressing regret over the things they didn’t do—opportunities they missed because fear held them back. They wished they had listened to their hearts rather than living by society’s expectations.

You can avoid this regret by asking yourself today: Are you living a life true to yourself? What would you change if fear wasn’t a factor?

Practical Steps to Authentic Living

Beth and Bonni provide some actionable steps you can take today to begin living more authentically:

  1. Pause and Reflect – Take a moment to assess where you are in life. What aspects of your current path are out of alignment with your values?
  2. Explore Your Inner Compass – Spend time in nature or in solitude to reconnect with your inner voice. Whether it’s through meditation, journaling, or a Vision Quest, creating space for self-reflection is key.
  3. Break Through the Barriers – Identify the invisible barriers that are holding you back. Is it fear? Self-doubt? Take small steps to challenge those limiting beliefs.
  4. Take Inspired Action – Once you’ve connected with your true desires, take action. It doesn’t need to be dramatic at first, but starting small can lead to significant life changes.

Beth Beurkens’ Vision Quests: A Path to Transformation

Beth’s Vision Quests offer a structured way to guide you back to your authentic self. She teaches individuals how to connect with nature and discover the deeper meaning of their lives. Whether you’re at a crossroads or experiencing a “dark night of the soul,” a Vision Quest can be a profound tool to unlock your purpose.

If you want to learn more about how a Vision Quest could change your life, connect with Beth Beurkens here.

To discover more about how to live authentically and improve your health, explore Bonni London’s services by visiting Bonni London’s Website.

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